It Is Only Going To Get Colder – Get Your Heater Repaired Today

Heater Repair Quick Fixes with the Right Company

Look out – you could find that the bitterness of winter could hit you harder or sooner than you imagined, there is no reason why you should be hesitant about calling your local Roseville Heater Repair service. You may find yourself wishing that you had called and repaired things today. Getting a quick fix doesn’t have to be expensive, and can be done with professionalism and attention to detail.

Once you have your heating inspected and repaired, you will be able to turn it up and get toasty. There’s nothing quite as peaceful as knowing that the world outside of your home may be lightly frosted, while you’re sipping hot chocolate and enjoying the warmth of a heating system that actually works. Even if the car takes 10 minutes to warm up, you can head inside the house, and enjoy the warmth that filters through your home like a warm blanket.

Don’t Wait Too Long to get Your Heater Repaired

Waiting for too long could mean long drawn out nights of shivering, or even getting sick. The last thing anyone needs during the winter is another bout with colds and flu. It’s that season again, and perhaps being stubborn about the heat is not a good thing. If you are worried about the cost, or you’re not sure that you can afford a professional to come out, call Peck Heating and Air Conditioning for an estimate. You’ll be surprised with how friendly, and cost effective this may be.

If you’re new to the area, check out the weather, an almanac, or just ask anyone in your neighborhood about how cold it could get. Remember, this could just be the beginning; you may be cold today, but in a couple of days, or even a few weeks, it may get colder. We definitely do not want you to regret passing up the opportunity to get things fixed now. Don’t wait for disaster, call us today at (916) 864-3483.

Baby It’s Cold Outside

Winter is nearly upon us and Jack Frost is preparing to make his annual appearance. Don’t get left out in the cold this holiday! Make your home toasty and warm for all your holiday celebrations with our special $49.50 furnace tune up offer.

What’s included in your furnace tune-up?

  • Check all electrical connections
  • Contacts/bearings/belts
  • Emergency heat operation/pilot assembly
  • Indoor fan motor/temps/amps & volts
  • Outdoor fan motor/temps/amps/volts
  • Thermostat check

How to Claim:

  • Click Here to Visit Peck’s Facebook Page and “Like” us
  • Complete the form by Dec. 31st 12pm (PST) to claim the offer

Quick Tips to Act on Time to Heating Systems Malfunctions

It is not always sunny in California, and when winter arrives (believe it or not) it does get cold. This is why many people in the Golden State have heating systems embedded in their households. We’ve all been there before; low temperatures are a burden no matter where you live; whether you are walking down the street to a neighbor’s house or carrying recently bought presents from a store to your car, having to face chilling weather or heavy, cold winds is something most people tend to avoid as much as possible. Can you imagine getting to your house after a long shift at work and finding it freezing cold? Or waking up in the middle of the night to find out you heating system broke down and your room has turned cold? Nobody likes unexpected cold temperatures, especially inside your own house.

Repairing Your Heater Sytem

Heating systems need to be maintained. As with any other system, it needs frequent checks from owners and professionals in order to work properly and reduce the probability of failure. Unfortunately, owners cannot prevent failure every time, and even with constant maintenance, a heating system can stop working one day or another. Nobody wants to spend a night out in the cold! Calling a specialist is clearly the best way to deal with any malfunction.

Heater Malfunction in Roseville, Rocklin, or Auburn?

While heater malfunction is not common, some systems might experience failures or lost efficiency when starting to heat for the first time after a long stop. This is especially true in states such as California, where warm weather runs for long periods of time, sometimes stretching from March or April and all the way to mid-November. After such a period of being turned off, you can expect some difficulties for the heat to flow and distribute in an equal manner throughout the whole house. This sign indicates that you need to call a specialist.

For these reasons, it is recommended to find a reliable, local specialist that could help you deal quickly with these inconveniences. Another swift tip is to turn your heat on a couple of weeks before the cold weather arrives. This could help you notice a problem or malfunction in your heating system without going through the burden of arriving at a cold house.

Heating Repair Checklist During Winter

Winter is here and you have been postponing checking the heating

You don’t want to wake up one day and find its freezing outside and your heating system is not working. Here are a few things you should consider doing before the Winter season is here:

First, ensure that you clear all the obstacles in the heating vents so that air can flow freely since blocking the vents decreases the systems efficiency and life span.

Clear Debris or Leaves

nature background forest trees sunrise (Custom)Clear debris or leaves that maybe accumulating in the outside condensing unit this can be done by using a hose at the highest pressure to clean the fan blades and condensing coils. You should consider covering the condensing unit although it is made for the outside; a breathable waterproof cloth extends the life and proper performance of the unit as well.

Replace the air filter; the air filter should be changed regularly since clogging will lead to your system overworking leading to paying more but not really enjoying the benefits. It is easy to replace the filter, just follow the steps or, you can call heating repair services in Rocklin or Roseville, CA.

Check your thermostat- If it uses batteries, change the batteries. If not, ensure the clock is set properly to save on costs during the daytime. Test run it: Turn it to heat mode and set it for testing and, if warm air is coming through within a few minutes, then you should turn it back to the normal setting. If the thermostat is not working properly it is time to call the heating repair services in Rocklin or Roseville.

Always ensure that you check for carbon monoxide leaks. If the alarm is battery operated then change the batteries. You can also buy a test badge and place it in a room where the heating system is and follow manufacturer’s instructions.

Where you use propane or oil furnace, make sure the fuel storage tank is filled. You do not want to wake up and realize there is no fuel and you can’t move because of the snow.

Seal any air leaks in your home as these leaks will only lead to wasted energy.

Let’s Give Thanks Giveaway

We want to help you celebrate Thanksgiving this year with our “Let’s Give Thanks” Giveaway! 1 lucky winner will receive a $100 gift card to Raley’s so you can get everything you need for the perfect Thanksgiving Dinner. Treat your family and yourself this November and let us help you save a little money for the Holidays. Now that’s something to be thankful for!

How to enter:

  • Visit our Facebook page and complete the entry form by clicking here
  • Enter by Friday Nov. 22nd 12pm PST
  • After you enter, you’ll have the chance to share this giveaway with your Facebook friends and receive 1 bonus entry for every friend who enters. Just another way to share the love this season!

The Importance of Heater Repair

We are gearing up for a cold winter this year.

heater repair specialist in rocklin rosevilleIt is just about time to stop turning the AC on and turning the heater on instead. I’m sure you’ve come to rely on and appreciate the heating system in your home over the past years.

Maybe you have central air conditioning with a built in heating unit, or a more old-fashioned radiator, furnace or boiler system. Either way keeping the heater working during the cold and harsh winter months is important for your health and comfort.

Nobody likes to come home from a long days work to a freezing cold home. To avoid just such a situation there are a couple of simple steps you can take.

Simple Heater Maintenance

First of all reduce the chances of problems occurring to begin with by making full use of a local heater maintenance service. This will be much cheaper than having to call in for an emergency heater repair job.

Of course no matter how many precautions you take, different issues can occur from time to time. If your heater has broken down or not working like it normally would, there’s no need to panic.

Heater Repair Specialist

Do an online search or look through the local phone directory to find a good heating repair company. Ideally you want a heater repair service that has a long history and fantastic reputation. Ask for recommendations from friends and family, check online reviews and read customers testimonials, to help you in your search.

The last thing you want is to get stuck with a rogue trader who does a shoddy job. The best way to avoid this is to not wait until there actually is a problem. Identify a reliable heater repair company to carry out some regular maintenance on your home system, so you can easily call on the same service that you trust in the future.

The next thing you should check is what kind of heating system you have. Double-check with the heater technician that they are familiar with your particular heating unit before they come to inspect it.

Have a Safe Halloween

One of the funnest holidays is right around the corner – celebrate Halloween safely this year with these quick tips:

  1. Let’s stay together. If you’re trick-or-treating make sure you stay together in groups of 2 or more. Make sure everyone has a buddy and establish a central meeting place that is easy to find in case anyone gets separated.

  2. Lights on and nobody’s home. Leave a few lights on inside your house if you go out for the night. The last thing you want to come home to is an uninvited guest in your house.

  3. Make a clean sweep. Clear away anything from your front yard or porch that could be tripped over by little trick-or-treaters. Walking in the dark and in a costume is hazardous enough!

  4. Put out the fire. Instead of using traditional candles to light up your carved pumpkins, try using either a small LED light or rev it up with a glow stick! Bonus – they come in some great bright colors!

  5. Who let the dogs out? With all the crowds coming and going through your neighborhood, it’s a good idea to make sure your pets are corralled safely and comfortably for the evening.

Are you frightened by your energy bill? Contact us today to schedule your maintenance appointment and see how we can help reduce the scary costs!

Easy and Affordable Air Conditioning Repair

Do you love the long hot summer days?

cold drink outside cool summer quench thirstyThere’s nothing quite like going for a casual stroll through the park or relaxing in the garden at these times. But of course when you go indoors the blazing heat can become a bit too much to handle. Thank goodness we have air conditioning.

Your air conditioning is working correctly isn’t it?

Don’t sweat it if the air conditioner isn’t cool anymore. Just get in touch with a reputable air conditioning repair service.

To ensure you can always stay cool during hot days, it is essential you have regular maintenance for your AC unit. By calling in a professional air conditioning expert you can keep the AC working at optimal performance at all times.

Air Conditioning Problems

Unfortunately many people fail to set a yearly maintenance schedule for the air conditioner. Don’t be one of those home owners that forget to plan ahead, and end up with a broken AC in unbearable temperatures.

Keeping you air conditioning system in good running order is simple and affordable. Call in a certified air conditioning technician to have a look at your system. It’s always good to have a basic knowledge of your household appliances, so here are some of the common causes of AC unit problems:

– Fried Fuse. As obvious as it might seem, sometimes we overlook the simple things. The problem could be fixed by just checking the fuse and circuit breakers. Makes certain the air conditioning unit is actually receiving power.

– Filthy Filter. This is the first thing that should be checked when inspecting the air conditioning. Over time dirt, grime and grease will gather in the filter and reduce the air flow. Replacing the filter is an easy but often neglected task.

– Clogged Condenser. A dirty air filter could also mean the condenser fins are clogged up and won’t work properly either. Cleaning the fins every now and again will help keep the unit in peak condition.

– Poor Pressure. Another common problem is a drop in Freon pressure. Any leaks in the AC unit can lead to this issue. Replacing the Freon is best handled by an expert. Keep your safety in mind, and get the help of a professional.

Ignoring a problem won’t make it go away, and could end up costing you dearly. Contact your friendly local Air conditioning specialist and schedule an annual maintenance for your home cooling system.

End of Summer HVAC Maintenance Tips

It’s that time of year again. The kids have gone back to school, the mornings are feeling brisk, and your HVAC unit is desperately looking forward to a little break from the Summer heat. Now is the perfect time to show your appreciation for all the hard work it does! Taking a few minutes to have Peck perform these End of Summer Maintenance Tips will save you time and money in the long run. During your inspection, a Peck professional technician will:

  1. Replace your air filter. It’s not a pretty job, but it needs to be done. Say buh-bye to all that dirt, pollen, and who knows what else that has been collecting there all Summer long.

  2. Check for abnormal odors or sounds. We will listen to and inspect your system inside and the outside for unusual smells or sounds. Rattling or abnormal odors may be signs of a leakage.

  3. Inspect your fan blades for corrosion or excessive wear. If needed, we’ll apply a simple lubricant for proper maintenance.

  4. Inspect drains, nozzles, and tubing. Check for leaks, drips, and condensation to discourage mildew from forming.

Also, don’t forget to clean up around your outside or inside unit. Trim foliage and clear away dirt, debris, leaves, or other obstructions to create a “defensible space” to avoid fire and other safety hazards.

To schedule a thorough maintenance of your HVAC unit or find out about our annual maintenance plan, call us at (916) 864-3483 today!

What’s in our Customer Assurance Maintenance Plan?

Our Customer Assurance Plan (C.A.P.) is a specialized home maintenance plan designed to maximize peak efficiency, reduce monthly energy expenses, eliminate (costly) repairs and extend the life of your HVAC equipment!

During Your Fall Inspection:

  • Inspect blower assembly, fan belt and motor.; lubricate as necessary
  • Inspect evaporator coil, drain pan and condensate lines, burner assembly, ignition and safety control, heat exchanger and heating elements, control box, controls, wiring and connections, clean and adjust as necessary.
  • Check for air leaks/inspect for gas leaks
  • Monitor for starting capabilities
  • Check for abnormal odors and noises
  • Clean coil and cabinet
  • Inspect flue system (carbon monoxide kills)

During Your Spring Inspection:

  • Clean dirt leaves, and debris from inside cabinet
  • Inspect outdoor fan motor and blades; lubricate as necessary
  • Inspect control box, controls, and wiring connections
  • Inspect compressor and associated tubing for damage
  • Inspect compressor contractor
  • Monitor for starting capabilities, check for correct voltage/amp draw
  • Check for abnormal odors and noises

As a valued C.A.P. client, you’ll also benefit from:

  • Reduced monthly energy costs
  • Reduced potential breakdown of equipment due to poor maintenance
  • 10% off any repairs
  •  5% off any new equipment purchase
  • 24/7 emergency service
  • Improved air quality
  • Extended life of existing equipment
  • Peace of mind (priceless!)

PLUS – During the month of August your C.A.P. maintenance package purchase will help a local family with children battling cancer! We’ve partnered with a local non-profit this month and are donating 20% of every Customer Assurance Plan we sell directly to Keaton Raphael Memorial!

To find out how our C.A.P. Maintenance package can help you – call us today at (916) 864-3483